Suffering From Osteoarthritis Pain? Natural Relief Is Available

It is clearly evident that hyaluronic acid in its oral form supports optimal joint health. The reality of the situation is that after 65 years of age approximately 30 percent of all doctor visits will be related to pain caused by osteoarthritis.

This makes the emergence of hyaluronic acid supplements even more important to an aging America. While we are inundated with disturbing news regarding drugs such as Cox-2 inhibitors and Nsaids (Vioxx® and Celebrex®), hyaluronic acid is a safe and effective solution for osteoarthritis sufferers.

Hyaluronic Acid Supplements Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain

More and more supplements are entering the market with hyaluronic acid in their formulations. Numerous clinical trials have proved their effectiveness when used as an oral supplement. Follow this link to read more on the clinical research:

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in connective tissue. It is a major component of articular cartilage and acts as a lubricant within the joints. When choosing a hyaluronic acid supplement molecular weight is extremely important. The most absorbable and clinically effective form is found in a material called BioCell Collagen II®. BioCell Collagen II® contains a uniquely bioavailable form of hyaluronic acid making it readily usable by the body. Several products on the market contain BioCell Collagen II® (hyaluronic acid). Phosoplex? from Optimal Therapeutics is an excellent formulation utilizing BioCell Collagen II®, MSM, Glucosamine, Nextrutine and other safe pain and joint aiding ingredients. When combining multiple quality ingredients with hyaluronic acid a synergistic effect occurs making these types of formulations extremely effective in fighting Osteoarthritis pain.

The Phosoplex? Hyaluronic Acid Connection

Fran, a 48 year old school teacher from Rockville, Maryland, used Phosoplex? for 12 weeks. Fran states "I feel so much better. I can actually see the inflammation in my hands and knees going away. Everyday activities are no longer a painful experience." These types of results and comments seem to be the norm with consistent users of hyaluronic acid containing products.

Hyaluronic acid in the form of BioCell Collagen II® is an exciting safe new alternative to pharmaceuticals in our never ending battle with osteoarthritis pain. Based on current research and recent problems with both pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter drugs, natural alternative ingredients like BioCell Collagen II® and natural formulas like Phosoplex? are the future for safe and effective pain management. If you are in pain give these natural alternatives a try. Be consistent and administer as directed and hopefully you will get the desired results thousands of others have already experienced using these natural aids.

Janet is a pain relief specialist located in New York. She offers a broad range of alternative solutions for all health and pain related issues.

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