Vitamin B-2

Riboflavin is a common name for vitamin B-2 and was once known as Vitamin G. You will see Vitamin B-2 described as Riboflavin on the back of vitamin bottles and in other food packaging.

An interesting and curious fact about Riboflavin is that it is naturally produced by the bacteria in your gut. Although it may not be produced in sufficient quantities to prevent deficiencies. Intestinal production, however, can reduce the symptoms of a deficient state.

Some experts claim that B-2 deficiency is the most prominent nutrient deficiency in North America. Those who eat a diet largely constructed of refined and fast foods may be at risk. And of course, alcoholics are at higher risk of B vitamin deficiencies. Low-income individuals may also tend to be at higher risk due to diet.

Problems with blood proteins may lead to deficiency. And states that block or reduce the uptake of riboflavin into the cell can also be responsible for a deficient state. Therefore, just having an adequate supply of Riboflavin in your food does not necessarily preclude deficiency.

Brewer's yeast and organ meats are sources that are high in Riboflavin. Lower amounts may be found in milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables and some fruits.

As a side note, I once had a biochemistry teacher whom offered two pieces of advice to his students. He told us to drink a gallon of water per day and to take some brewer's yeast every day. As I remember it, he talked about how brewer's yeast was excellent food for the cellular processes of the body. That was probably due to the fact that brewer's yeast is an excellent source of the b vitamins.

Drinking a gallon of water per day was slightly unusual advice as most experts and nutritionists agree that 2 liters is an adequate intake. This biochemistry teacher was recommending twice that amount. Remember to consult with a physician before changing your diet, supplement or water intake.

Riboflavin is very important in cellular metabolism, the process by which your body produces usable energy. It is important in forming the coenzymes that are necessary to make ATP, which is the energy currency of the cells.

A partial list of deficiency symptoms include fatigue, sensitivity to light and dermatitis. Nerve tissue damage and retarded growth in infants and children can result from a deficiency.

More detailed and technical information about Riboflavin can be found at If you have any doubts about your health as it relates to Riboflavin, ask your doctor for a proper diagnoses and treatment. Each human body is different with different needs and contraindications, that is why it is important to consult your physician.

This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to prevent, treat or diagnose any health issue. If you have or think you might have a health condition or issue, please contact your primary care physician for proper diagnoses and treatment. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the US FDA as far as I know.

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included and any hyperlinks are left active on web pages. You may make minor editorial corrections only.

Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. His website is

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