Benefits of Bee Pollen Supplementation

Since ancient time bee pollen has been considered as an ultimate health food in many ancient text and legends. Bee pollen has since then been praised as being a healing agent for many other ailments.

Bee pollen has about 45 calories in one Tablespoon. Bee Pollen contains many essential nutrients including 22 amino acids, bioflavonoids, natural antibiotics, hormones, natural sugars, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and EFA's.

Bee Pollen Benefits

Animal Studies suggest that bee pollen may help with weight loss. But there are no studies showing bee pollen's effect on human metabolism. Some reports do show that bee pollen may help with the appetite control in humans.

Bee Pollen has been touted to increase energy levels and increase performance, thus making it a favorite supplement among bodybuilders and other athletes. Performance Enhancement has been attributed to the use of bee pollen. It has been shown to produce an accelerated rate of recovery, and those not receiving bee pollen supplementation have shown declining performance rates and recovery.

Bee Pollen also has been used in Europe and the US as a treatment for prostate enlargement, prostatitis, and other prostate problems.

It's shown that Bee Pollen counteracts the effects that radiation and chemical pollutants. Bee pollen contains anti-oxidants that destroy free radicals that are caused by the exposure to radiation and other pollutants. Studies show that it can reduce the side effects of radiation treatment.

Many people who are allergic to pollen are able to tolerate oral bee pollen. However there have been reports of a small percentage of people who initially ingest a large amount of bee pollen may develop allergies, sometimes severe, and minor gastrointestinal irritation and laxative effect to oral bee pollen. People severely allergic to pollen should no use oral bee pollen. Also like any other medication/supplements take with caution and under doctor's supervision.

Bee Pollen has many benefits and is said to help aid in weight loss and workout performance. The preferred way to use bee pollen is in capsule form and can be found from many nutritional supplement sites around the web.

Josie Anderson is a personal trainer in SC, USA and is the owner of providing weight loss resources to help with many weight loss goals.

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