Why Do Liquid Form Nutritional Supplements Have Much Greater Bodily Absorption Than Pills?

Did you know that when you take vitamins and minerals in the traditional tablet or capsule form your body only assimilates 10 to 12% of the nutrients, and that figure drops to 3 to 5% after 35-40 years of age? Liquid (also known as colloidal) vitamin form provides the highest possible assimilation of nutrients into the body. Colloidal minerals and vitamin particles are over 7000 times smaller than a human cell. Approximately 98% of liquid form supplements ingested can be used by the body within 15 to 30 minutes. This percentage is far superior to the 3 to 10% assimilation of traditional pill and capsule supplements and means that you would have to take 10 to 20 multi-vitamin pills every day to have comparable assimilation. That would be like swallowing one or two handfuls of those rock hard pills every morning which is definitely a tall order, especially for older people, children and people who hate taking vitamin pills--well, that covers just about everybody. Not to mention how expensive it would be to buy all of those pills!

Recent research has shown that traditional vitamins in pill form largely go to waste, as our bodies have trouble digesting and absorbing the processed and compacted nutrients. The Physician's Desk Reference (a highly respected medical guide for doctors) contains research that proved that only about 10-20% of the nutrients in vitamins are absorbed into the human body. You know where the rest of that ends up... In the same section the Physician's Desk Reference also states that absorption of liquid vitamins amount to about 98%! This is a serious discrepancy between vitamin pills and liquid vitamins. According to this research, liquid vitamins can be up to 10 times more effective than nutritional supplements in pill form.

According to many doctors who have discovered liquid vitamins, their patients respond far better to the same supplements that they were originally prescribed in pill form. We think these studies are quite impressive, and after our own experience with liquid vitamins, are "true believers".

Judy Brown is a director of http://www.lifenatural.com, http://www.lifenatural.com/liquidvitamins.htm and http://www.corticel.com which all have a focus on liquid vitamins, weight loss and natural health issues.

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