The Worst $$$ I Ever Spent . . . Month after Month!

"They", the "experts" all say how important vitamins are - how we don't get nearly enough of the nutrition we need in our every day diets because of all the processed food we eat these days.

Well, I won't argue with that fact; seems like there's nothing wholesome and healthy out there anymore. Oftentimes, my body is telling me what it needs - whether I crave salt, sugar, or fruit or vegetables. There are things that our bodies are missing, and I think we can all relate to those cravings.

The question I always had though, is how come I can spend all kinds of $$$ on vitamins, even trying different brands over the years, and my body doesn't seem to respond? How come I end up craving yet another banana because my body is telling me it needs more potassium, or how I just have to have sardines, of all things, just to get more iron in me?

Well, I finally found the answer to my questions, and I'd like to share that with you. There's no reason anyone should continue to waste hard-earned $$$ money on vitamins or supplements that don't even work, or that don't work nearly as well as our (often over-worked and stressed-out) bodies need it to.

Lots of people shop at a Walmart, or stores like it, because they claim to have "everyday low prices", and prices that will beat the competition. Well, now that I think about it, did I really expect manufacturers of products for a Walmart, or any discount or dollar stores to be able to spend any money on quality ingredients that would actually do something, when they're on such a limited budget to begin with?

Finally, this is all starting to make sense to me after reading a report that Dr. Cobb, M.D. reported to hundreds of people on February 20, 1999 in Boston, MA. It was a conclusion of a doctoral thesis performed on vitamins and how well they are absorbed. Dr. Cobb's colleague, Dr. Jonathan A. Herbst M.D., graduated from the University of Ohio, and studied over 250 randomly chosen supplement brands for bio availability and absorption.

If you are interested in reading the article in its entirety, please send me an email, and I'll get the article to you.

But here's the BOTTOM LINE: Centrum, One A Day, Theragram, Amway, AND 244 others have an absorption of LESS THAN 5%.

I guess I know how foolishly I've been spending my money month after month. I have since found a line of nutritional / vitamin supplements that are heads and tails the best in content, absorption, and in $$ price. They came out number one in the study with a 96-98% absorption rate!

I think that's unbelievable! Guess what else? After actually using this line of product, my quality of life is a true testimony of this study's accuracy. I now believe that preventive medicine is the smartest way to go for all of us.

Feel free to contact me if you're interested in what I've stumbled upon.



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