The Vitamin Companies Don't Want You To Know

Do you ever find yourself asking any or all of these questions:

The "New Scoop" On Vitamins?

Vitamin supplements may be much more important than doctors thought in warding off cancer, heart disease and the ravages of aging-and, no, you may not be getting enough of these crucial nutrients in your diet!

Vitamins are a "Key" factor in warding off the following chronic diseases:


The fact is: YOU probably aren't getting the nutrients that you need!

World class nutrition experts have been recommending vitamins for more than 35 years!

"To take or not to take" is no longer the question. ALL nutrition experts and most doctors support supplementation.

What To Take Is Now The Question?

Optimal Health Journal lists many government surveys which state:

  • Our diets do not provide adequate levels of vitamins for AVERAGE HEALTH - let alone OPTIMAL HEALTH!

  • Of 21,500 people surveyed, NO ONE obtained 100% of the recommended allowance for each of the ten essential nutrients.

    The prestigious journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) now recognizes the importance of vitamins. It states:

    The "Real Danger" In Overdosing on Vitamin Supplements?

    Did you know that your body needs specific amounts of different nutrients and that it can be harmful if you take too much of a certain vitamin?

    Can you overdose? In a word - YES!

    Overdosing can be more harmful than underdosing! For example:

  • In high doses, Vitamin C can act as a pro-oxidant causing rather than preventing cellular damage.

  • Taking too much Calcium can cause constipation and impaired kidney function.

  • In high doses, Iron can cause an increased risk of heart disease; also poisoning in children who take adult doses.

  • Zinc, in large amounts can cause gastrointestinal irritation and impaired immune function.

    Which Nutrients Does YOUR BODY Really Need?

    There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin supplements?

    What nutritional supplements should you take? Answer that question, and go to the head of the class. People today are positively boggled by their choices?3,400 different supplements to choose from, at last count. Everyday you hear convincing arguments about why you should take each and every one of them:

  • To prevent cancer

  • Heighten immunity

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increase energy

  • Sharpen memory

  • Reverse arthritis

  • Build strong bones

    You want all these things, so why not take all these supplements? For one thing, you'd go broke! Beyond that, you don't need them all! Taking too many might even hurt you! So, back to the question: What supplements should you take?

    With all the different products on the market today, how do you really know which vitamin supplements to take? Which ones should you be taking and in which amounts? That is the question?

    Even READERS DIGEST is asking: "Which vitamins do you really need?"

    Natural Health Magazine goes one step further and asks:

    "Are you absorbing enough nutrients?

    Their answer: There's only one sure way to find out?


    Top nutritional doctors use Metametrix Clinical Laboratory for nutritional / metabolic testing?

    Which Vitamins Do The "Rich & Famous" Take To Stay Healthy?

    The "Rich & Famous" rely upon their excellent health and vibrant looks to earn a living. They spend countless hours exercising, eating right and yes, taking vitamin supplements! The way they choose which vitamins to take is simple, they find out which nutrients their bodies are lacking in and simply take them. How do they do this? They take the comprehensive ION test and have customized vitamins made based on the test results.

    This ION test costs a doctor $545.00 which is then passed on to the patient (probably at a higher price).

    There is however, a simpler test that is much more cost effective?

    A Simple URINE Test

    Why Do You Need To Have A Urine Test?

    This testing that identifies the Exact Nutrients YOUR BODY must have in three key areas is - the essential first step?You no longer have to guess which nutrients, out of a bewildering variety of "one-size-fits-all" nutritional supplements on store shelves, you should take. Scientific analysis of an overnight urine sample can provide you with the answer to which nutrients your body must have in order to protect your body against cellular damage from uncontrolled free radicals; eliminate harmful toxins in your body; and keep your body's immune, Vascular and Nervous systems in balance.

    Can you afford this kind of testing? Yes, for a cost of just $79.95 you can have this special test.

    Your test will identify:

    Daily intake of the precise nutritional supplements YOUR BODY needs is the second essential step?When you receive your PrivaTest Analysis and the specific nutrients custom-made to match your body's needs based on your specific test results, age, and gender, you'll have in you hands the distillation of years of research on human nutrition, herbal medicine, biochemistry, and metabolic science. At this point in time, you now have the most powerful nutrition tool available to control your health!

    What Happens To The Test Results?

    Based on your test results, a Custom Blended Formula will be compounded from 48 possible permutations using whichever of 55 KEY NUTRIENTS you may need, in the amounts your body needs?Whatever variety of amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, chelated minerals, or protective herbals your test calls for will be there, carefully balanced to work together to provide what your body's systems require.

    This custom blended formula will then be shipped to you in a 30 day supply of (30 packets of 6 capsules) and all you have to do is take 1 packet per day!

    The cost of the Custom Essential Vitamins is only $44.75 per month with no obligation to continue after the first month.

    Now You Know The Story, Here Are Some Common Questions That We Come Across?

    Q: How much does this urine test cost and can I get it anywhere?

    A: The cost is $79.95 and the test is done in the comfort of your own home.

    Q: How is the test administered as a home test?

    A: The lab sends you a simple Home Urine Test Kit with complete and easy to follow instructions. Simply, you fill our a simple questionnaire, collect some urine (all materials are supplied in the kit), and fed ex the sample back to the lab for analysis.

    Q: What happens after the urine test?

    A: The lab analyzes the urine sample, sends the results to the vitamin manufacturer who then blends a custom-made-vitamin just for you!

    Q: How much does the Custom-made-vitamin cost?

    A: The cost for the custom-made-vitamins is only $44.75 per month. (o try and duplicate this same vitamin at a retail vitamin store would cost at least $150)

    Q: Is there any type of commitment to continue taking the vitamins?

    A: None. You can cancel at anytime (A very small percentage of people cancel after they experience the benefits of feeling better and more energetic)

    Q: How do I get started and order my Test Kit?

    A: There are two ways to get started:

    Good luck and please don't hesitate to call us anytime with any questions about this amazing vitamin breakthrough!

    About The Author

    Healthcare profession since 1997; Avid exercise and sports enthusiast.

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