The Bodys Own Production of Nitric Oxide Can Help Prevent Heart Attack & Stroke

Nitric Oxide, a gas that occurs naturally in the body, may do more than any prescription drug to prevent heart attack and stroke.

Nitric Oxide is essential for healthy circulation. It helps dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clots and regulate blood pressure. It also helps inhibit the accumulation of dangerous arterial plaque.

How It Works:

Nitric Oxide helps prevent heart disease and stroke in the following ways: Expanding blood vessels: Nitric oxide protects the blood vessels smooth muscle tissue from harmful constriction. This allows the flexibility necessary for blood to circulate with less pressure.

Controlling platelet function: An efficient vascular network that is enhanced by nitric oxide sheds platelets and inhibits dangerous clots.

Reducing arterial plaque by 50%: Nitric oxide is an effective antioxidant that inhibits the passage of monocytes, a type of immune cell, into the artery wall. This reduces the underlying inflammation that promotes plaque.

Lowering total Cholesterol by 10% to 20%: Nitric oxide lowers Cholesterol through its naturally protective antioxidant activity. Preliminary research suggests that stimulating nitric oxide production in individuals who have elevated Cholesterol levels, makes it possible to lower their prescriptive statin drug dosages by at least 50%.

Here's how to boost Nitric Oxide levels with specific nutritional supplements! Unfortunately, beginning in early adulthood, nitric oxide levels gradually decline, most often due to damage to the endothelial cells caused by such factors as a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

Daily intake of specific nutritional supplements that increase production of nitric oxide in the blood vessels are beneficial.

L-ARGININE: An amino acid found in meats, grains and fish, passes through the intestine into the blood. From the blood, it enters endothelial cells, (these are the layer of cells lining the inside of the blood and lymph vessels of the heart) where it is used to make nitric oxide. A Mayo Clinic study found that people taking L-arginine had significant improvement in endothelial function and blood flow compared with those taking placebos. It is difficult to obtain enough L-Arginine from food, so amino acid supplements are recommended to assure optimum daily intake.

Dose: 2,000 mg. to 3,000 mg. taken twice daily ??" for a total of 4,000 to 6,000 mg.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E reduces the assault of cell-damaging free radicals on the endothelial lining any may promote higher levels of nitric oxide. The amount of vitamin E should be at least 400 international units (IU), an effective daily dose.

Vitamin C: Like vitamin E, vitamin C reduces oxidation in the blood vessels and may stimulate an increase in nitric oxide. People who consume high levels of vitamin C experience a reduction in arterial plaque, which is associated with higher levels of nitric oxide. You can get vitamin C from food, but supplements are recommended to assure optimum daily intake.

Dose: Minimum 500 mg. daily.

Multiple Vitamins: A full-spectrum multiple vitamin-mineral formula supplying the heart-healthy B-complex vitamins (B-1, B-2, Niacin, Folate, B-6, B-12 and Pantothenic Acid) is important for promoting cardiovascular health by reducing dangerous Homocysteine levels.

The Importance of Diet and Exercise! In addition to taking the recommended nutritional supplements, it's very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by being careful about what you eat and keeping physically active.

Do aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes, three days a week. It stimulates endothelial cells to continuously produce nitric oxide, even on the days that you don't exercise.

Minimize intake of saturated fat. Saturated fat, found in such animal products as red meat, poultry, butter and whole milk, contributes to the accumulation of arterial plaque and impairs nitric oxide production.

Increase intake of Olive oil, fish and flaxseed. The beneficial omega 3 fatty acids found in these foods help protect the endothelium by elevating levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol and lowering the harmful LDL form.

Eat more fiber daily. The dietary fiber in grains, fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol and raises HDL, helping to protect endothelial cells. Many of the foods that contain fiber also are rich in protective, heart-healthy antioxidants, which inhibit the cell damage that lowers nitric oxide. Eat at least 25 grams of fiber daily and drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day to make sure that the fiber moves efficiently through your system.

Roger Jirves is an authorized dealer of the Vitamin Power line natural vitamins, minerals, and Hearth Healthy Supplements

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