4 Answers To Living Life On Lifes Terms

1. What supplements do you take?

A multivitamin, Glucosamine-MSM-Chondroitin, Odorless Garlic, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Glutamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid and B Complex - extra B-12.

These are the supplements I am taking for six months. I will reevaluate with blood tests and consultation. I will most likely add more antioxidants and anti-aging supplements due to my age and my Rheumatoid Arthritic condition: i.e. Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10 and silymarin. When I add three vitamins-I also drop three.

2. What is your favorite healthy snack?

Fruit. I buy a week's worth of fruit each week at the store. I cut all the fruit up and put into plastic bags in the refrigerator. Each morning I eat a 16 ounce bowl of fruit for breakfast. Anytime I crave sweets- I have fresh fruit instead. I also love dried fruit (without sugar and unsulphured) between meal snacks. Oh yes, I also love almonds.

3. What do you do to keep up your energy?

Active exercise - my favorite is water aerobics. During the summer I swim 3 to 4 times a week. During the winter months I swim indoors, walk, or use the glider.

4. What advice do you find yourself dispensing most commonly to your family and friends?

Get on your knees and pray each morning-ask for God's will in your life. Do things for others. Say you are sorry when you are wrong - do not hold grudges. Be honest and say what's on your mind. Stay in love with family, friends and pets.

Supplements of the Month

Vitamin E 400 d-Alpha

'Take Your Vitamins' brand of Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant vitamin that helps to neutralize potentially damaging free radicals in our bodies. Vitamin d-Alpha tocopherol is composed of alpha, beta, gamma and delta vitamins having unique biological effects, with generally declining activity; e.g. delta is far less active than the alpha form.

As a supplement, Vitamin E has a number of health benefits for the body. Vitamin E is particularly important for the protection of our cell membranes as well as keeping your skin, heart, circulation, nerves, muscles and red blood cells healthy.

Antioxidants such as vitamin E protect your cells against the effects of dangerous free radicals, potentially damaging by-products of your body's metabolism. Free radicals can cause cell damage that may lead to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Vitamin E may also reduce cellular aging, inhibit the potentially damaging effects of the sun, thus inhibit melanoma (skin cancer) cell growth, and aid in the prevention of abnormal blood clotting.

100 IU or more of supplemental vitamin E a day has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks in healthy people. If you have pre-existing coronary artery disease it is recommended you take 800 to 1600 IU a day of Vitamin E. Vitamin E also may help prevent the formation of blood clots, which could lead to a heart attack.

Studies have linked lower rates of heart disease with higher vitamin E intake.

B-100 Complex

Benefits of Vitamin B-100 Complex:


Supports nerve tissues and nerve function necessary for healthy muscle function, especially in the heart involved in the conversion of fatty acids and amino acids into hormones, proteins and enzymes.

May help alcoholics metabolize alcohol more effectively, which

May support recovery from addiction.

Supports health in people with Alzheimer's disease.


Instrumental in the metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids while playing a key role in energy production for the body.

Also an important antioxidant.

Provides targeted protection for the eyes and may help prevent cataracts

Vitamin B2 has also shown promise in the treatment of migraines.

B3: Niacin

Effectively lowers elevated LDL levels while simultaneously raising levels of the 'good' HDL cholesterol.

Vitamin B3 has been used to treat a number of complications arising from diabetes.

May also help maintain proper blood sugar levels in diabetics when use in concert with chromium.

May reduce the recurrence rate of heart attacks in people who are at risk.

B5: Pantothenic Acid

Supports proper function of the adrenal gland and is required for production of adrenal hormones

Supports the production of healthy red blood cells and it may help the body rid itself of alcohol-related toxins

May also support health in people with allergies while speeding wound healing and recovery from surgery, especially when taken in concert with vitamin C

B5 deficiencies have been associated with acne and arthritis

B6: Pyridoxine

Involved in the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells and neurotransmitters like serotonin, which plays a part in regulating our moods and preventing depression.

Involved in energy production in the body, as well as the metabolism of homocysteine, the amino acid that is a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

When used with vitamin B12 and folic acid, it can decrease homocysteine levels.

Related to lower rates of related cardiovascular events including heart attacks and repeated angioplasty.


Plays an important role in the replication of DNA while supporting growth of the body's cells.

Vital for the function and maintenance of the nervous system and red blood cells.

Instrumental in the body's metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Plays a key role in preventing elevated levels of homocysteine from building up in the body even when the levels are increased by lipid lowering drugs known as fibrates - elevated homocysteine increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

As with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking. Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength & hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life.

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