Phytoestrogen - The Role of Phytoestrogens in Breast Development & Health

What exactly are phytoestrogens, and how can we use them to our benefit in the development of the breasts, and as a healthy addition to our diet? Phytoestrogens are also quickly becoming the buzz as natural breast enlargement alternatives, and hormone replacement therapy for women going through menopause.

The word "phytoestrogen" is derived from "phyto", meaning plant, and then "estrogen" is because of their ability to affect estrogenic activity in the body. It is important to know that although phytoestrogens may have some similar actions to estrogens, they are not the same as the true hormonal estrogens that our bodies produce. Phytoestrogens are actually a group of compounds found in plants that influence our own estrogen activity by mimicking it's effects in the female body.

Phytoestrogens are categorized into four main groups and these are then further subdivided. The four groups of phytoestrogens are soy isoflavones, lignans, coumestans and resorcylic acid lactones, though the latter is not a true phytoestrogen.6, 7 The most chemically effective as a phytoestrogen (estrogen-mimicking supplement), and structurally similar to estrogen, are the soy isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are now being touted as a healthy supplement for menopausal and pre-menopausal women for their "healthy estrogen" enhancing abilities.

Now, what about phytoestrogens as a breast enlarging or breast enhancing supplement? There are several products out there marketed as breast enlargement supplements using phytoestrogen technology combined with other natural herbs known for varying degrees of breast enhancing and hormone balancing qualities. The question is, do they work and are they healthy?

The answer to that is two-fold. You should never stay on any supplement like this for more than nine months at a time, as this may become harmful to your health since it is unnatural to sustain higher estrogen activity for such a long period.

However, under the correct usage and when used with proper diet, phytoestrogens can be used, and have been used, successfully to enlarge and enhance breasts, and even to alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalance, decrease libido and other hormone-related issues common to women.

The bottom line is, we are only beginning to understand the benefits that natural phytoestrogens and phytoestrogen-based supplements can have for women, be it for purposes of breast health, breast enhancement, menopause symptoms relief, and hormonal imbalances.

One must be careful in choosing any phytoestrogen product, as they vary greatly in quality and purity standards. Examine the company you are buying from closely. Don't go on price alone - see if they have credible testimonials or a proven track record for success and quality.

This way, you can be sure to reap the full benefits of introducing phytoestrogens into your diet!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of,, and,

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