Colostrum: Immune Support From Mothers Milk

This complex mixture of nutrient-rich growth factors, immunoglobulins, glycoconjugates and a variety of other important immune boosting compounds is a natural way to improve your physical health and well-being.

Colostrum is found only in the liquid that comes just before mother's milk, and provides an ideal combination of immune and growth factors which help in the removal of toxins, while supporting bone, muscle, nerve tissue, and cartilage health.

The immune factors in colostrum include immunoglobulins, glycoproteins, lactoferrin, lactalbumin, and cytokines, as well as various polypeptides, vitamins, and minerals.

Lactoferrin supports red blood cell strength and iron binding capacity, and immune globulin IgF-1. It also encourages better muscle growth, and aids in the production of healthy immune cells.

Bovine colostrum is an extremely powerful immune system modulator, containing as much as 40 times the number of immune factors found in human colostrum. All cattle involved are isolated and used exclusively for the production of colostrum. None of the cattle in the herds have ever been fed any kind of animal protein, and the advanced filtration process used to extract the colostrum fractions eliminates any potential for BSE comtamination. You can rest assured that ProHealth Colostrum is a safe and effective way to take control of your health.

Please click here for more information about Colostrum.

Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of Immune Wellness, your source for high quality information about vitamins and supplements.

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