Tart Cherries - Natural Cox-2 Inhibitors, Now Available in One A Day Softgels for Arthritis and Gout

After nearly 4 years of research and development, Flavonoid Sciences of Traverse City, Michigan had created a proprietary new supplement called CherryFlex, a Softgel Capsule made from whole fruit. CherryFlex Softgels are marketed worldwide by Brownwood Acres Foods, and each Softgel Contains 100 mg Anthocyanins, 20 mg Flavones and 30 mg Tannins.

With Antioxidants, Melatonin, Anthocyanins and two important flavonoids -- Isoqueritrin and Queritrin, tart cherry products are being taken by thousands for relief from gout, fibromyalgia, arthritis and joint inflammation.

Daily consumption of CherryFlex Softgels is the easiest way to enjoy all of the health benefits of Tart Cherries. Medical research has shown Tart Cherries to contain anti-inflammatory Cox-2 inhibitor compounds called Anthocyanins.

Many people are reporting arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia relief from taking Tart Cherry products. Recent studies show that the antioxidant compounds in Tart Cherries may be 10 times stronger than Aspirin or Ibuprofen in relieving arthritic pain.

In addition, Tart Cherries contain Melatonin which helps with the bodies sleep rhythms and Perillyl Alcohol, thought to shut down the growth of cancer cells by depriving them of the proteins they need to grow.

Nutraceuticals like CherryFlex are being recognized as safe alternatives to pharmaceuticals. Visit the Brownwood Acres website and read about how Tart Cherries may offer inflammatory relief. The website lists numerous testimonials from customers as well.

Brownwood Acres is a family business that began as a honey stand during the sugar rationing of World War II. Over generations, the de Tar family built the company into a specialty food and gift merchant, producing homemade products from neighboring orchards--including jams, cherry salsa, cherry barbeque sauce, and its famous cherry butter. In light of recent medical interest in antioxidants, company president Steve de Tar has revamped the business into a nutraceutical manufacturer. Its tart cherry, pomegranate, and blueberry juice concentrates are sold in Kroger grocery stores, as well as in health food stores and through the company's website.

Today, the sales of CherryFlex and Wild BlueberryIQ softgels are driving the company's growth. Brownwood Acres Foods, Inc. won a coveted place on Inc. Magazine's 2004 list of America's 500 fastest growing private companies.

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