The Benefits of Whey Protein

The benefits of whey protein are so numerous and apply to so many different groups of people, that listing them all would be quite a large undertaking. In the sense of an overview, the benefits of whey protein make it an excellent choice for individuals of all ages who struggle to maintain a healthy diet and to improve their overall health.

Providing all of the essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of healthy muscles, nails, skin and other connective tissue, whey protein not only is almost completely devoid of cholesterol but aids in the removal of "bad" cholesterol from the body. Whey protein has the ideal combination of amino acids to help improve body composition and enhance athletic performance.

Whey protein is an excellent source of the essential amino acid, leucine. Leucine is important for athletes as it plays a key role in promoting muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth. Whey protein is a soluble, easy to digest protein and is efficiently absorbed into the body.

It is often referred to as a ""fast"" protein for its ability to quickly provide nourishment to muscles. The body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods (thermic effect) and as a result you burn more calories after a protein meal. Whey protein is an excellent protein choice for cancer patients as it is very easy to digest and very gentle to the system.

Whey protein may be added to a wide variety of foods and beverages to increase the protein content without affecting taste. Healthy nutrition practices have been shown to play a role in helping to manage, and possibly prevent, the onset of type-2 diabetes. Whey protein, a high quality, high biological value protein, is a good choice for diabetics who need to carefully manage food intake.

A recent study in Europe compared whey protein to casein, the primary protein in milk. They found that older men who consumed whey protein showed greater protein synthesis, or growth, which helped limit muscle loss over time.

Whey Protein Info provides detailed information about whey protein powder, drinks, concentrate, and best whey protein, as well as the benefits of whey protein and other helpful whey protein facts. Whey Protein Info is the sister site of Home Gyms Web.

Garlic Can Kill Superbug - A Health Supplement
The Superbug MRSA which is becoming more common in Hospitals, it has now developed a lethal strain, that has already killed a number of patients.Doctor Ron Cutler, a microbiologist at the University of East London, in the United Kingdom, says that Allicin, which is a completely natural extract from Garlic, has shown remarkable success on patients with MRSA.
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Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Benefits
Extensive research studies show that taking vitamin and mineral supplements can potentially improve your health, protect against disease and provide you with the energy you need to live a healthy life. Although each contribute differently to your needs, vitamins and minerals work together in order to give you a balanced amount of all the components needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Liquid or Pills?
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Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - ZMA
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The Worst $$$ I Ever Spent . . . Month after Month!
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ZINOPIN: New All In One Natural Travel Supplement!
According to Dr John Scurr leading Consultant Vascular Surgeon and expert on Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and the less serious manifestations of sluggish or disturbed circulation such as swollen ankles, pins and needles, calf cramp etc are far more common than appreciated. Not just confined to air and coach travel, but any situations linked with long periods of immobility.
Vitamin C - The Key to Great Health
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Vitamin B1 and Its Importance to Mental Health
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Reviving Vitamin E Studies That Challenge Claims of Wonder Supplement Also Leave Openings
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Ftiness Supplementation
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Herbal Remedies & Supplements
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Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb
One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought to people is their realization of going back to the basics, to the natural, and to the organic. Although the advances brought by technology has made life easier to people, many are still looking for better organic alternatives that are proven to be more effective in their most natural of form, like Ganoderma Lucidum or commonly known as "Ganoderma.