Calcium Supplement - The Importance of Taking One

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and also an important supplement to take. Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting, transmission of signals in nerve cells, and muscle contraction. The importance of calcium for preventing osteoporosis, however, is probably its most well-known role.

While anyone can benefit from taking a calcium supplement, it's a MUST for those that rarely consume dairy products, especially women because of the threat of osteoporosis. It seems that few people realize how important calcium is to their body, but if you consider the fact that it's needed for healthy bones, that in itself is a strong argument to make sure you're getting enough calcium daily. What's the adequate daily intake of calcium? 1,000-1,200 mg daily.

So how do you choose a calcium supplement. A form of calcium has recently emerged called coral calcium. It's a natural form of calcium derived from Okinawa marine coral. The amazing thing about coral calcium is that it naturally contains calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio. This biologically perfect ratio gives your body a perfect pH balance while supplying the basic ingredients for the rejuvenation of the body.

Since most of the body is comprised of water our pH level has a direct effect on all body chemistry. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it is too acidic or too alkaline for long period of time. Scientific studies have shown that for a body to be healthy it must have a balanced alkaline system. They found acidic systems are highly susceptible to degenerative diseases including Cardiovascular Disease (the #1 killer in the U.S.), Cancer (#2 killer in the U.S.), and Diabetes, as well as systemic weight loss.

I highly recommend you take a look at your eating habits and do a careful evalution of how much calcium you are getting daily. It's crucial you're intaking between 1,000 and 1,200 mg daily. Most likely you will need to supplement your diet with a calcium supplement. Coral calcium (calcium from natural sources) is proving to be an excellent calcium supplement, but if you'd rather go with a regular calcium supplment, calcium citrate is the form to take.

Ryan Cote is the owner of, a free health e-course that shows the average person how to live a healthy lifestyle. Only 4 emails over 4 days and you'll have the basic knowledge to better your health.

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