Glyconutrients For You?

Simply stated, the Greek word glyco refers to "sweet." Hence, a glyconutrient is a biochemical that contains a sugar molecule. The prefix "glyco" can be placed in front of a fat, protein or any molecule and suggests that a sugar is attached. Glycobiology is the study of the sugar portion of these proteins and fats.

Glycoprotein = Sugar attached to a protein.
Glycolipid = Sugar attached to a fat.
Glycoform = Any sugar form.

What exactly are Glyconutrients?

Glyconutrients are not vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, herbs, enzymes or homeopathic drugs. They are carbohydrates. Just as there are essential proteins called amino acids and essential fats called fatty acids, glyconutrients are the newly discovered class of necessary carbohydrate nutrients.

The efficacy of glyconutrients has been established by the world's leading scientists and researchers as the key to proper cellular communication and proper cell function. Many medical professionals and research scientists believe this medical breakthrough in glycoscience will lead to glyconutrients becoming a household word within the next three years and believe Glyconutrients will soon become mandatory for overall health. With the speculation of becoming a "staple nutritional supplement" for all 6 billion people on Earth, even business analysts believe Glyconutrients will become a household staple.

Scientists are networking over the emergence of this new technology called "glycobiology"- the discovery of cellular communication! Books and articles are being published on this life-enhancing technology everyday! It is exciting to see how nutritional supplementation of glyconutrients can play a role major in supporting our bodies.

M.D. News, ~ June 2002. M.D. News, a national publication with regionalized editions in 40 major medical markets in the U.S. This 3-page article covers the science of sugars and reviews specific topics such as successes with fibromyalgia, toxic shock and diabetes.

Featured is Michelle, who in 1998 was a typical 10- year-old child with Down syndrome, attention deficit, always sick and hospitalized many times due to severe asthma attacks. Her life consisted of the nebulizer, antibiotics and steroids. That daily medical regime is no longer a part of her life since her parents, Barbara and Jacques, began giving her glyconutrient products. "Michelle now has the quality of life every parent wants for his or her child," says Barbara. "We know she'll get sick from time to time, but it won't be life threatening. Michelle has always been a beautiful child, but we and others have noticed that the facial features associated with Down syndrome have become less pronounced, a side benefit we didn't expect." (excerpt from Las Vegas Magazine, July/August 2001.)

There are stories like this one pouring in day after day about glyconutrients. Go and learn all you can about this exciting discovery for health and nutrition.

Learn more here:

Glyconutrients Explained

Independant Mannatech Associate and Glyconutrients advocate.

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