Do You Need Vitamins On A Low Carb Diet?

Should I Take Vitamins With My Low Carb Diet?

Most low carb diets advocate that users reduce consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. While this may lead to considerable weight-loss, it will most definitely lead to a reduction in necessary stores of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients.

This is why it is important for low carb dieters to augment meals with supplements.

The following is a partial list of some of the essential nutrients you may be lacking if you are on a low carb diet:

1. Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, fruit juice, fresh vegetables, potatoes, and tomatoes. A healthy intake of Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron, keeps blood vessels healthy, and can arguably prevent cancer. Here's a little known fact: a red pepper has more vitamin C than an orange!

2. Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is found in green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, certain cereals, nuts, and wheat germ. Vitamin E has been associated with good skin health and the prevention of cancer and heart disease.

3. Fiber.

Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Fiber is associated with good colon health and has been shown to reduce the chance of colon cancer. A fiber intake of 20-35 grams per day has been shown to prevent and alleviate constipation--and also break dietary "stalls" in weight loss.

As a low carb dieter, you will need to find supplements that take the place of these essential nutrients if you want to lose weight and maintain good health.

Some low carb diets suggest that you take up to 30 different types of supplements daily. However, it may be easier to assess your diet, find out what you are lacking, and then find a multi-vitamin that suits your nutritional deficiencies.

You will also want to find a fiber supplement to prevent constipation and maintain good colon health.

If you are unsure exactly which nutrients you are lacking in your low carb diet, you should check your diet plan for suggestions or consult a physician.

Benji Paras runs, specializing in the benefits of the low-carb lifestyle. The site contains a treasure trove of information for losing weight, and includes a list of low carb foods along with informative articles and the latest low-carb headlines.

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