CortiCarb3000 Reviewed: Does It Perform As Promised?

Carbohydrate blockers seem to have come and gone with the low carb craze. Basic carbohydrate blockers are available everywhere. CortiCarb3000 was introduced last year with little fan fare or marketing. Dynamic Nutritional Research seemed to have known something many did not.

Weight gain can stem from multiple sources. Studies have shown that diets high in carbohydrates and fat are not ideal. A reasonable, sound diet combined with exercise is the best option. Gone are the days when one could expect the miracle pill to solve the battle of the bulge. A realistic approach has risen the forefront of logical thinking. When evaluating supplements in the carbohydrate-blocking category, I looked for products claiming to provide multiple benefits. Dynamic Nutritional Research claims that they have created a true supplement that can be incorporated into a positive lifestyle program.

CortiCarb can be taken to inhibit the carbohydrate overload often associated with desserts, pastas, and breads. CortiCarb3000 is also designed to fight and offset the affects of stress, which can include binge eating. The overproduction of the stress hormone has been associated with weight gain and manufacturers have dramatically presented this to the public over the last year. Finally, CortiCarb3000 naturally boosts your metabolism as well.

This is where CortiCarb3000 sets itself apart from traditional carbohydrate blockers. Let's look at the ingredients in this formula. CortiCarb3000 contains White Kidney Bean Extract, which has been shown to safely inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates. Their website lists clinical studies supporting these mechanisms of action to further boost the foundation of their product.

CortiCarb3000 also contains St. Johns Wort and Valerian Root powder, 2 proven ingredients over the ages, which reduce the affects of stress and provide a lasting sense of calm. CortiCarb3000 claims to be so effective because it also includes Green Tea Extract, which boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. This precise combination of ingredients provides the consumer with a supplement to control carbohydrate intake, control the affects of stress, and increase the rate by which you burn calories, all of without the jittery feeling of some other diet aids. CortiCarb3000 has proven to be more than just a carbohydrate blocker. CortiCarb3000 did not get caught up in hype. Dynamic Nutritional Research does not claim to control Cortisol. CortiCarb3000 includes stress-relieving ingredients, which have stood the test of time and produce calming affects. CortiCarb3000 appears to be a quality supplement, which adds additional benefits to a rather outdated category.

Penelope Marsh offers opinion and review on many "fad" supplements and contributes to various health forums when asked for expert review. Ms. Marsh's editorials can be found in many of the most popular and respected health and fitness journals.

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