Nutritional Nutrients

Nutrients form the basis for your body, emotional and spiritual needs. Fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates and fish and lean meat is important, but we've all heard the scare stories, 'Mad cow disease', 'bird flu', 'radioactive fish', 'GM crop nightmares' - and the coincidental timing of all these has made some consumers think twice about what they eat. Following these and many food-borne illnesses that have erupted across the international community, many people have made adjustments to their grocery lists, opting for organically grown meats and vegetables.

But what of the soil that each of these is derived from (cows eat grass too!). The sad fact is our soil is deficient. This is not only the result of a consistent showering of pesticides and fertilisers, but also through our own methods of farming that have only during the past 100 years or so become radically altered from our forebears gentle methods.

All over the world these food scares erupt - and while some may be founded in fantasy, others are quite frighteningly true. However, whatever you read or hear about, it really is up to you to decide what you want inside your body - and the good news is, that its easier than you might at first believe.

To be 100% sure that your food is safe and free from any harmful additives, you cannot go far wrong with organic fruit, meat and vegetables and free-range eggs. Even simpler, if you have a farmer near-by make their day (and a friend!) by buying their fresh eggs - you can see for yourself the chickens having 'free range' of the paddock. Or if you have access to the web, look at these informative sites: And, when you make determined efforts to compare prices stacked on supermarket shelves, organic foods can be found to be often very similar!

But another way is to ensure that you have enough of the healthy stuff inside you is to ensure vitamins and minerals are inside you by supplementing. Hundreds of examples all competing for shelving space line the supermarket store aisles and it is all down to basics ingredients when hunting for the best one. The golden rule is, the minimum amount of additives or additional ingredients inside the capsule, equals the best natural product. And why is natural best? Because it suits the human body holistically.

Take the simple A, B and C Vitamins.

To ensure you received all or any one of these vitamins into your system, you'd need to eat a variety of liver, oily fish, nuts, dairy produce, whole grains, citrus fruits and juices, potatoes and salads. And there's also iron, zinc, iodine and calcium to think of - these are gained through consuming a whole bunch of other foods ? most of us don't eat any of these foods - the majority of us stick to a familiar over-cooked (heat kills the enzymes needed to break it all down*), over-processed diet that simply lacks all of these! To ensure you get the best everyday, chose a vitamin supplement that has the best natural ingredients - ensure you take a little time to read all that's detailed on the side of the bottle. Simple really!

*NOTE: Ask us for our truly fascinating newsletter on Enzymes - it'll make you think twice about preferring overcooked veggies with your next meal!

About The Author

Kaye Bewley, Complementary Therapy Web Retailer at BESTherapies3 and a member of the Alliance for Natural Health, has set up this nutritional health business in order to help people find a natural - and fun - way to health. Her BESTherapies3 web site is designed to help you find out what can go wrong with your body, emotions and spirit - and lists a few things you can do to prevent the problems arising or aid the ailments you already have. Take a look for yourself at:

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