Glyconutrients - The Next Major Health Breakthrough

Did you know?

· 20% of Australian children reported symptoms of Asthma in the past year.

· 60% of Australians are overweight with 20% obese.

· Australia has the highest rate of childhood obesity in the world.

· 7 Million Australians over age 25 are at risk of Diabetes

· Since 1907 incidence of cancer has risen by over 400% and heart disease by over 250%

· Each year in Australia there are 18,000 deaths as a result of medical intervention. 425,000 die as a result of medical intervention in the US each year.

· 5% of pharmaceutical drug users suffer from some form of side effect. (Source) NHMRC 2003)

There is clearly a problem with the conventional health system. The question is, what's the alternative?

A new technology is changing the world of medical science. Science has found that there are eight essential glyconutrients, which enable our cells to communicate. Cellular communication is at the heart of the body's ability to fight disease and maintain optimum health. Whether you are in good shape, want to live longer, have superior quality of life, or are facing a medical challenge, the addition of essential glyconutrients to your diet will make a positive difference.

With over 70,000 research papers published worldwide the scientific evidence is overwhelming. Dr John Axford, president of Clinical Immunology at the Royal Society of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical bodies in the world states, "Glycobiology is one of the last frontiers of science to be conquered and is going to be at the cutting edge of a large number of discoveries and therapies over the next decade." Glycobiology is the Science of glyconutrients.

Glycomics (the study of glyconutrients) has been named in the 2003 MIT Technology Review as one of 10 emerging technologies to change the world over the next decade. A recent symposium held by MIT included Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, Steve Wozniak, Co-founder of Apple Computers, and representatives of a glyconutrient company, Mannatech. Clearly, this discovery is going to have a major impact on health in the next ten years.

Science Magazine (March 2001) devoted a complete issue to the study of glyconutrients. Harper's Biochemistry 1996 edition, an essential textbook for Doctors and Pharmacists, states,

" About 200 monosaccharides (carbohydrates) are found in nature, however only eight are found in the chains of glycoproteins."

Dr Benjamin Carson is listed in Time Magazine as one of the 20 most respected Doctors in the USA. He is Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the USA. He is one of the world's top Neurosurgeons. Dr Carson says that "glyconutrients helped save his life and should become a complementary component of our healthcare system." Dallas Weekly, February 2004.

For years, carbohydrates or glyconutrients were thought to be only used by the body for energy and have no therapeutic benefit. One day, while researching why Aloe Vera in its raw state was such a powerful healer, a scientist, Dr Bill MacAnally, discovered that a biological sugar present in the plant provided its healing properties. He then found out how to stabilise the glyconutrients in the Aloe plant. Over the next 15 years research showed that there are eight glyconutrients that our cells require to communicate effectively.

Your cells communicate using glycoproteins, essential sugars on the cell receptors ensure that effective communication occurs. Wars occur when two leaders fail to communicate effectively. When effective communication occurs, our natural defence system does its job and we maintain good health.

When we consume glyconutrients plus a range of vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients and phytosterols, our body is often able to heal itself without dangerous drugs or antibiotics. Tens of thousands have attested to this and there is research specific to a wide range of conditions.

We believe that the body can heal itself of any condition given the right environment. This includes reducing stress, moderate exercise, a positive attitude to life and good nutrition. Glyconutrients are an essential part of your ability to maintain optimum health in our modern world.

In 2002, the AMA (American Medical Association) reversed its position on vitamin and mineral supplements. It says, "Reversing a long-standing anti-vitamin policy, The Journal of the American Medical Association today is advising all adults to take at least one multivitamin pill each day."

Could it be that the increase in debilitating diseases occurring in recent times is simply linked to the absence of essential nutrients. Science says that without necessary glyconutrients, the body can't properly assimilate other nutrients. There is a synergistic effect.

More on Glyconutrients
Independent Mannatech Associate and Wellness Consultant

More on Glyconutrients

John Gaydon has been researching natural health for over 20 years. He was employed for some time as Technical manager for a division of Australia's largest pharmaceutical company.

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