HGH - Avoid Getting Ripped Off

HGH is an exciting new phenomenon, which aspires to help us defy age, build muscle, increase vitality, and improve our quality of life in ways we have not yet discovered. Understandably, the public desperately needs and wants these benefits and is spending large amounts of money on growth hormone products. However, as with any new technology, the market is unstable and there are many unproven products and sketchy companies looking to capitalize on this growing demand and make a quick buck.

When considering purchasing an HGH product or starting HGH therapy, follow the guidelines below to get the most from your purchase and avoid getting ripped off.

Avoid Unrealistic Claims - If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember, the FDA does not yet regulate HGH. This enables sellers to be more liberal with their claims by choosing their wording carefully or by using fine print disclaimers. If you see a product offering 20 lbs of muscle mass in 30 days without lifting weights, or saying that you'll look 10 years younger instantly, please use your common sense. HGH treatments usually take at least 3 months to show results. Anything telling you otherwise is just hype. If it looks like a sales pitch, it's best to move on.

Take a Hard Look at the Company - Who are you buying from? How long has the company been in business? What other products do they offer? Formulating an effective HGH product is not easy. It takes years of research and development, and it's a very expensive endeavor. A legitimate company won't pop up out of nowhere and have a viable product. Do some research to find out as much as you can. If the company is legitimate, you can expect to see other products, archived news stories, and articles published outside of their own website. If the only record of the company is on their sales site, keep your wallet closed.

Where Is The Product Coming From? - Stick with product manufactured in the United States. At least you'll know that there is some sort of quality control imposed from the government (even though it's not FDA regulated). Buying from countries that are not known for producing pharmaceuticals is a huge risk to your health. Also, if the product is made outside of the U.S., it will be extremely difficult to follow up with any questions or concerns after you start using the product.

What is the Guarantee? - A solid product will offer a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee. These products are expensive and even the best ones do not work for everyone. A reputable company will stand behind their product and gladly give you a prompt refund if you don't get the results you desire.

Michael Nelson is a freelance author. You can read more about HGH at http://www.hghspot.info

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