Enzyme Supplements for Digestion and Health

Most people understand the concept of vitamin and mineral supplementation, however not many grasp the fact that these are the raw materials and not the workers for implementing health.

Indeed, the nutritional supplement industry surpassed $150 billion in sales during 2004. However, without the enzymatic workers, the continued prevalence of degenerative diseases and chronic conditions continues despite the supplement pill popping taking place nowadays.

Enzymes are the workers in your body that help digest your food, regulate your organ function, fight viruses and bacteria and repair cellular damage.

In an interview with enzyme expert Dr. Edward Howell in his book Enzyme Nutrition, he describes the effects of depleting your body's enzyme bank as, "...one of the paramount causes of premature aging and early death. I also believe it's the underlying cause of almost all degenerative disease."

Dr. Howell continues, "To begin with, if the body is overburdened [in supplying] enzymes to the saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice, then it must curtail the production of enzymes for other purposes. If this occurs, then how can the body also make enough enzymes to run the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, muscles and other organs and tissues?"

According to Dr. Howell, "This 'stealing' of enzymes from other parts of the body to service the digestive tract sets up a competition for enzymes among the various organ systems and tissues of the body. The resulting metabolic dislocations may be the direct cause of cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and many other chronic incurable disease."

Enzymes are the workers in your body that help digest your food, regulate your organ function, fight viruses and bacteria and repair cellular damage. And when you research the most highly regarded digestive enzyme and probiotic (friendly intestinal bacteria) formulators in the world, Michael O'Brien always ranks at the top of the list.

Your body is not designed to deplete its own enzyme stores to digest your food. In a perfect world, the food contains most of the enzymes necessary for digestion. Unfortunately, due to processing, cooking, contamination, etc. most of the enzymes in food are destroyed. So your body is forced to pull enzymes from other areas, like your organs, to promote digestion.

This is why you feel tired, sluggish and bloated after a meal. The longer it takes for an enzyme to breakdown the nutrients in your food, the more enzymes will be pulled away from other metabolic functions in your system.

That's why it makes sense to upgrade your diet to include plenty of raw fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts and grains. And supplement with vibrant, electrically active enzyme supplements like our favorite here: enzyme supplement

Article by Rita Lambros-Segur, M.H. of Electrical Body, Inc. Rita has helped thousands of regular folks improve their health-restoring strategies. Visit Electrical Body and Infrared Saunas for FREE articles, ezines, catalog, a great e-book offer and more.

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