Increase Your Production Of Nitric Oxide

What Is Nitric Oxide (NO)?

Nitric oxide (NO) is produced by healthy endothelial cells. The discovery of its function is possibly one of the most important in the history of cardiovascular medicine. In 1998 three Americans (Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Louis J. Ignarro, PhD, and Ferid Murad, MD, PhD) were awarded the Nobel Prize for their independent discoveries concerning "nitric oxide" as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Nitric oxide (NO) is essentially a signaling molecule that helps control a range of processes in the body, including nerve signaling, immune functions, muscle growth and the dilation of blood vessels.

Nitric Oxide (NO) And Increased Positive Blood Flow

Since the discovery that Nitric oxide (NO) is able to induce vasodilation a large number of other roles have been described for Nitric oxide (NO). It is also known to play a role in the immune system, the nervous system, in inflammation and in programmed cell death (apoptosis). Nitric oxide (NO) has also been implicated in smooth muscle relaxation, pregnancy and blood vessel formation (angiogenesis).

Viagra and Nitroxagen Increase Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels

Scientists have also taken this Nitric oxide (NO) research and run with it for commercial applications. Probably the best known is Viagra. The drug increases the levels of Nitric oxide (NO) and promotes smooth muscle relaxation. This, in turn, allows for extra blood flow to the penis, leading to erection. For fitness minded individuals, Nitroxagen is probably the most effective (NO) related product. Nitroxagen is an apple-flavored Nitric Oxide (NO) powder that has the ability to create a natural "muscle pump" that remains in a post-exercise state. Like Viagra, Nitroxagen is also being used to treat sexual dysfunction in men who have difficulty in maintaining an erection.

Researchers are continuing to study the possible uses of nitric oxide and its link to heart disease prevention and other assorted medicinal uses. In the meantime, scientists recommend that you maximize Nitric oxide (NO) production in your body by following a low fat diet, getting some exercise, consuming antioxidants like vitamins A and C, which prevent the breakdown (oxidation) of nitric oxide in the body.

Seth is an advocate for natural homeopathic therapies in the US and abroad. Since 2001 he has also has been involved with the clinical studies and applied sciences of Nitric oxide (NO) towards good health.

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