Saw Palmetto

At the rate it's going, Saw Palmetto will soon be known as the "Robert DeNiro of supplements."

It can play almost any role.

This exciting herb, quickly becoming a treasure in the field of health, is proving itself as a multi-talented commodity, a tonic that can act in a number of different ways.

Saw Palmetto's range is astounding. Primarily used as a remedy to various urinary and respiratory problems, the studies out now have concluded that it effectively treats prostate cancer and may even help restore hair.

Prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement, of course, has rapidly become the most common form of cancer dooming the male population, inflicting around 20,000 men every year. Once considered the leading treatment for fighting prostate cancer, the drug Procar recently found itself placing second to Saw Palmetto in a recent study conducted by researchers.

However, the newest function of the aphrodisiac is that it acts as an adversary to hair loss. Saw Palmetto, which works most effectively in this role when coupled with Propecia, minimizes DHT, the hormone that triggers balding in men.

The most common use for Saw Palmetto is to regulate urination conditions. Aside from its functions of increasing urinary flow while decreasing the frequency, it is beneficial to various urinary disorders and discomfort in the urinary trac. For men who are bouncing out of bed at all hours of the night for frequent visits to the bathroom, Saw Palmetto may insure you a better night of sleep.

Saw Palmetto consists of flavonoids and polysaccharides, compounds that provide many of the positive effects aforementioned.

The herb is available in many forms, including capsules, softgels, standardized extracts, as well as liquids like tea.

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