Body Calling: The Healthiest Women in the World

In September 2004 Orange County, California published an article "OC Women are the Healthiest Women in the world." Location Location. Location. Pretty much is the case for these women. Well not everyone is so fortunate to be raised in or live by a resort town. But no matter where you live you can mimick these important factors.

First and Foremost Vital Secret: is to focus on Exercise. Then of course your multi-daily vitamins, nutritional supplements, pleasure and relaxation. Always walk first, ride your bike second and then if you must thirdly drive your car. It might seem crazy but these women ride their bikes to work to family functions with or without baby in tow. These women are all on sports teams; play volleyball in the sand; softball in the park; rollerblading to lunch. What made this become a reality in California was non other than the "Boardwalk" a 100 mile stretch the pretty much entire coast of the state from Northern to Southern Cal. The Boardwalk is also a favorite spot on the Monopoly Game-Board. Our culture's game of excitement, and true in fact. What we are seeing across the board, or nation, is a need to help all women reach these awesome health ratings.

If your not so lucky to have a boardwalk, riverwalk or bike trails close by check out the massive new homebuilder locations, communities and websites. These builder's are going the extra mile and adding or letting The Homeowner's Association add (vote) on country clubs, swimming pools, running tracks, walk paths, bike trails. They are a growing trend, a very healthy trend. These homebuilder's actually set aside 5 to 15 acres for this very reason. Everyone needs to get out daily get some sunny Vitamin D (even 5-15 minutes with out sunscreen). It's time to get your positive endorphins pumpin- they are key to that healthy glow and smile! Exercise is their secret and evey woman should make it a consious effort to go to the lake or recreation areas in your town every week! Play Ball!

Second Vital Secret: Nutrition, is the next biggie, especially in our toxic environments. Multi-vitamins and nutritionals are a number one must to do. It must become a part of your every day life, period. Water. Water. Water. Yes it's still the best thing for y'all! Our bodies need to replace what the food supply has come up short. Yes organics are helpful, but we all need to take a look at ourselves inside and out. All natural products are the main targets, only target. Vitalize and Energize your body on a daily basis is very key secret to a happy healthy and fullfilling lifestyle.

Third Vital Secret: Pleasure and relaxation is a must! Spoil yourself. Basically invest in yourself. Hit the spa, the tanning salon for a breather. Or just grab a blanket, hit the sand or grass, bring a picnic and most important invite your friends!

Gina Bucci grew up in Newport Beach, California. Check out her website today and feel Awesome Tomorrow!

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