Are Fat Burner Products Safe?

A fat burner supplement operates by breaking down body fat through a principle of thermo genesis. The ability to stimulate the thyroid into action and raise body temperature is achieved by taking a fat burner product.

A natural fat burner increases the metabolism rate while fat cells are mobilised and inhibited from enlarging. Any stored body fats are burned and utilised as energy by the fat burner. Physically active individuals find fat burner products very effective in reaching and maintaining a goal weight.

There is ongoing debate concerning whether using a fat burner is safe or not. Much fat burner research is being done with regard to health and safety. There are now several natural fat burner products available.

Emerging reports on fat burner products indicate that caution should be used when choosing a fat burner. Avoid fat burners, which contain ephedrine as it can become addictive. Also known as ma huang, the ephedrine included in a fat burner product is a Chinese herb renowned for increasing energy levels.

Ephedrine is also used to treat asthma, and helps with weight loss when included in a fat burner supplement. In order to enhance the effectiveness of ephedrine it is often combined in a fat burner with caffeine, aspirin or other ingredients.

Unfortunately, the side effects of ephedrine often outweigh its actual usefulness. Side effects of ephedrine range from mildly unpleasant headaches through to more serious heart palpitations, seizures and even death. A report issued by the FDA estimates that at least 58 ephedrine-associated deaths have occurred since 1993. Fortunately, many of the fat burner products no longer include ephedrine in their ingredients. Any fat burner should be used responsibly and a natural fat burner must be used with your doctor's knowledge if you have any medical problems.

Due to the FDA approved Dietary Supplement Act of 1994, dietary supplements and fat burner products have been allowed to be marketed without mandatory safety or effectiveness testing. When considering the safety issue concerning a fat burner caution should be the watchword.

Choose a natural fat burner product, which has been tested and proven to be a safe and natural fat burner. Bear in mind that not all individuals using a fat burner will experience the same weight loss speed from a fat burner. Fat burning could be quicker for some individuals taking a fat burner than for others.

For maximum fat burner safety, always use a natural fat burner as directed and do not take too much in the hope of a quicker weight loss. Because many fat burners contain caffeine or other stimulants this could have adverse effects when you take too many. While initially you might feel energetic when using a fat burner, taking too much is unhealthy and will leave you feeling physically drained at the very least. When taken for short time periods many natural fat burners are safe.

Millions of people worldwide have experienced positive fat burner results. A fat burner will provide the most benefits when taken as part of a healthy lifestyle. Include balanced eating habits and exercise when taking a fat burner for optimum weight management. Essentially a fat burner is a supplement and should be used as one, to supplement a healthy lifestyle and enhance it through weight control.

Copyright 2005 Health-Focus Providing Resources on Health and Nutrition

Natural Fat Burner Information

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