Building Muscle Power Through Vitamins and Minerals

The muscles of the body actually depend heavily on the vitamins, minerals as well as on the other nutrients that we take in so as to ensure that they're always well taken care of. Consciously taking care of your body through the proper exercise, a well-balanced diet and a stress-free mind all contribute greatly towards keeping healthy and building a good set of muscles.

Muscles actually serve a far more important physical function apart from making fit people look good as well as the ability to lift heavy objects. Actually unknown to most people, the heart is the most important muscle of the body, as it runs the circulatory system. Our muscles help keep our internal organs in place and gives us the ability to perform each and every movement we make, from chewing and swallowing to controlling our bladder to sitting, standing and walking. Healthy muscles are essential to our day-to-day lives. Several vitamins and minerals actually work well together in keeping us fit and having stronger muscles.

Such vitamins and minerals that contribute to this are potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus which all greatly work together in making sure that our muscles are able to contract smoothly and effectively, as they should. This is, of course, essential to keeping the heart beating in a regular and efficient fashion. It is also important to take note that while the heart is the most important muscle in the body, each and every muscle in a person's body deserves to be treated with equal importance and care since they work as a group.

Vitamin C is highly essential to the health and performance of muscles because it works alongside potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in their muscle regulation tasks. Vitamin C is also necessary to the formation of collagen and elastin, which are important connective tissues of the body that helps build muscle structure. Vitamin C is also responsible for the well-being of the blood vessels, which support the muscles need for oxygen and nutrients.

Naturally, as with most of the important processes and systems of the body, the vitamins that make up the powerful and essential Vitamin B complex have a role in the health and function of the muscles. In fact, deficiencies in the B vitamins can even lead to all sorts of muscle problems, including a lack of muscle coordination. The B vitamins are greatly responsible for the creation of the red blood cells that support the entire body.

Proper nutrition is a good way to ensure that one's muscles have what they need to function efficiently and to be strong. Daily exercise also plays an important role in muscle health and strength and should never be left out of any endurance strengthening health plans. Exercise is what actually helps the body to stay in shape and helping keep the jiggling flabs away. But before you start rushing to the nearest gym and start picking up the various exercise equipments there, it is highly important to note that even though it's a good thing that you're actually on your way to improving your health.

One must not be a brash, eager beaver. From zero exercise to lifting 50 pound weights can cause your muscle to tear and ache. You probably won't even be able to get up from bed the following day. Have patience that even though the road to good health is still a long way to go for a beginner like you, it's highly commendable that you've made the conscious decision to actually get there.

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Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

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