The Benefits of Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey protein concentrate popularity has increased dramatically in recent years because of advances in processing technology. Whey protein begins as a watery byproduct of cheese manufacturing. In its crude state, whey is about 93% water, 6.5% lactose, 0.9% protein and 0.2% vitamins, minerals, and fat-soluble nutrients. In this form, whey is not of much benefit to athletes, but with gentle low-temperature processing and filtration, this liquid can be stripped of most of its lactose, fat, cholesterol and water to yield concentrated whey powders containing anywhere from 34 to 89% protein.

Because whey protein concentrate is produced from a liquid as a byproduct of the cheese manufacturing process, it needs to be processed to turn it into anything useable. This process, the boiling and mixing and removing of the non-essential ingredients, is a complicated, painstaking process that takes the liquid from its original form into the final product.

The USDA has many requirements for the production of dry whey protein concentrate. According to their report published in 2003, all manufacturers must adhere to the following guidelines. All plants are to be regularly inspected by the government to insure the safety and cleanliness of the facility. The finished product shall not contain less than 25% or more than 89.9% protein, shall not contain more than 10% milk fat or 5% moisture, and shall not have a ph-factor exceeding 7.0. The guidelines continue to the appearance and even the flavor of the finished product.

Somebody is taking the production of whey protein concentrate very seriously. Whey protein concentrates are produced from liquid whey by clarification, ultra-filtration, dia-filtration and drying techniques. The resulting product contains all of the essential amino acids, both long and short chain, not produced by the body, are quickly and easily digestible without the aids of additional protein enzymes and provide the body with an unlimited supply of everything it needs to fight off diseases and live for a long time.

Whey Protein Info provides detailed information about whey protein powder, drinks, concentrate, and best whey protein, as well as the benefits of whey protein and other helpful whey protein facts. Whey Protein Info is the sister site of Home Gyms Web.

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