Folate (Folic Acid) - A Health Supplement

You probably know that ladies who are planning on having a family, should take Folate (Folic Acid) in their diet, or as a supplementary, because it is one of the well known B-Vitamin group, that has a role in preventing Spina Bifida in babies, but did you know that research is finding that it helps in a number of other problems as well.

There is definitely a link between folate and depression, people with depression may have lower than normal blood folate levels.

Research in Norway has also found, that people with high levels of Homocysteine in the blood, were nearly twice as likely to be depressed.

High levels of Homocysteine can also increase the possibility of Heart Attacks, Strokes and other cardiovascular problems.

It has also been suspected of peripheral nerve damage, as in certain types of eye diseases including Normal Tension Glaucoma.

Foods rich in Folate are Spinach, peas, cabbage, Broccoli, Oranges, Avocadoes, it is important to have a good amount of folate in your diet. If this is not possible, consider taking a supplement.

"Article by Alfred Jones, More Information at: and

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