Supplements Information

Whey Protein Facts

Whey protein is a high quality powder made from cow's milk. Cow's milk is made up of two proteins - casein (80%) and whey (20%).

The Benefits of Whey Protein

The benefits of whey protein are so numerous and apply to so many different groups of people, that listing them all would be quite a large undertaking. In the sense of an overview, the benefits of whey protein make it an excellent choice for individuals of all ages who struggle to maintain a healthy diet and to improve their overall health.

A Look at Whey Protein Powder

There are so many different whey protein powder products on the marketplace today that knowing which one is the best one for you is getting increasingly more complicated. To make things even more confusing, many of the competing brands use different suggested serving sizes, different measuring spoons and different container sizes just to make comparisons more difficult.

The Benefits of Whey Protein Drinks

Whey proteins drinks, especially shakes, are available in a variety of flavors such as vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. Whey protein drinks are also available in other flavors such as fruit punch, orange cream and grape.

The Benefits of Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey protein concentrate popularity has increased dramatically in recent years because of advances in processing technology. Whey protein begins as a watery byproduct of cheese manufacturing.

A Review of Popular Whey Protein Products

Because whey protein products have a wide variety of uses and appeal to large groups of people, determining which one can lay claim to the title best whey protein will never be agreed upon by everybody. For some, the powder works the best because they can mix it with flavored juices and produce a pleasing drink that gives them the nutrients they need.

Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements?

Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy. Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

Some Vitamin Supplements to Enhance Your Ironman Training Diet

There are a host of choices for supplementing your Ironman diet. I'll give you descriptions of a few that I found helpful to my Ironman training and racing.

Keeping Illnesses at Bay with Antioxidant Vitamins

Antioxidant vitamins perform many important tasks that our bodies benefits from. In recent years, a great deal of research has been done concerning the abilities of the antioxidant vitamins to prevent certain diseases, ranging from cancer to heart ailments.

Herbal Remedies & Supplements

For people who suffer from arthritis, dependable pain relief is a vital concern. The agonizing sensations of simply walking up the stairs are discouraging and can drive patients into depression.

The Secrets of Looking and Feeling Younger and HGH Supplements

The mankind has never stopped searching for the scerets of youth ever since the dawn of intelligence. The tales date back to at least the time of the Alexander Romance in the West.

Keeping Tabs on Niacin

Vitamin B3 is one of the vitamins that make up the nutritional powerhouse known as the Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B3 is also called niacin, nicotinic acid and niacinamide and serves many vital purposes in the proper functioning of the body and the mind.

Side Effects of Fish Oil

Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of fatty acids. Fish oil is recommended as source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

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Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - HMB
HMB stands for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. It is a metabolite of leucine, one of the body's essential amino acids, with small amounts found naturally in catfish, grapefruit and alfalfa.
Bodybuilding Supplements May Not Be Necessary
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B Vitamin Hype: With Ambitions of Fighting Acne, Rosacea and Tumors, What Can This Vitamin Really Do
Vitamin B is no small time player in the high stakes game of the beauty. Just take the case of pellagra for example.
Build Health: Cut Through The Calcium Hype
The initial success of penicillin generated an assumption which has stuck with us as a cultural belief in the Quick Technological Fix. That assumption is:A single variable can be divided out from all other variables, tested for its result, and it will prevent or promote disease.
Nutritional Supplements - How To Choose A High Quality Product
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Vitamin Supplement Ratings - Proof Of Popularity
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3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence
You read about a supplement that allegedly "Boosts your mood and motivation!" That sure sounds good so your surf over to the company's web site. The web site looks official--it's even got footnotes citing scientific journals.
Easing Arthritis Pain with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements
If you suffer from arthritis pain, chances are you've heard of a relatively new over-the-counter remedy called Glucosamine. But what is Glucosamine, and how does it work to relieve arthritis? In this article, I'll introduce you to this new treatment and provide you with the pros and cons of its use.
Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements
Most healthy eaters are familiar with the three macronutrients that garner the most media attention within the diet world: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Indeed, some highly regarded eating programs, such as the Isometric DietŪ, are designed to deliver an optimal balance of these three macronutrients.
How Selling Vitamins can Bring you Financial Freedom
Most people are becoming more health conscious. Many of the baby boomers are looking for ways to look and feel younger.
The Effects of an no2 Supplement on Your Body
Our system uses a free-form gas called Nitric Oxide as a cell communication tool. This naturally produced substance is created by body enzymes breaking down the amino acid Arginine.
Iron Mineral101
Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels.
Coral Calcium: Achieving Optimum Health
The more I study health and fitness, the more convinced I become that the well-maintained human body is a truly remarkable machine. Every small part functioning in its place.
B-Vitamins Help Promote Healthy Arteries and Heart
A 2002 study reported, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation reported that a six-month regiment of taking folic acid, vitamin b12, and vitamin b6 can be instrumental in the prevention of recurring blocked arteries in coronary angioplasty patients.The findings, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association are an extension of a clinical trial that examined the effects of combining vitamins on the treatment of heart disease.
Vitamin C May Improve Smokers Blood Circulation
A dose of vitamin C may give a quick boost to the poorer-than-average blood circulation seen in healthy young smokers, a study suggests. The study of 25 healthy men found that although smokers initially showed poorer results on a test of blood flow to the heart that changed after they took a large dose - 2 grams - of vitamin C.
Cortisol Blockers- After the Hype and Controversy, are there any Quality Products Still Standing?
Over the last 2 years, the link between weight gain and the stress hormone Cortisol has taken center stage. The concept was introduced, capitalized upon, and basically challenged in the legal system all within the last 2 years.
Fat Loss Supplement
Fat Loss Supplement - what is it?What is a fat loss supplement? The term "fat loss supplement" is familiar to almost everyone nowadays. It is a dietary supplement that is designed to help people who use it to achieve a considerable loss of weight.
L-tyrosine and Your Health
L-tyrosine is a protein that the body produces from phenylamine, thus making it a non-essential amino acid. L-tyrosine is available from natural foo sources including: - cottage cheese - yogurt - cheese - milk - bananas - lima beans - turkey - peanuts - avocados - almonds - pumpkin seeds - sesame seedsL-Tyrosine supplementation is especially needed among hard training athletes and obese or those significantly overweight.
Vitamin Supplements in a Liquid World
Every day, it seems like we are living in an increasingly liquid world. I'm not preaching against the evils of alcohol or for a new era of prohibition that will save us from sin and politicians.
Vitamin E
Three Important Nutrients - Vitamin E, Selenium, and Sodium and Potassium - for good healthVitamin EThere is has been a lot of controversy about vitamin E lately. In the news last month, the news media was pushing a story that "Vitamin E can cause you to die.